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Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us by Donald Trump Jr. 
In the realm of political discourse, where ideas clash and narratives collide, Donald Trump Jr. presents his debut book - a manifesto that dissects the tactics employed by the American Left. A few aspects of the foundation and message of Triggered:

Publication and Context
Published by Center Street, a division of Hachette Book Group, "Triggered" hit the shelves on November 5, 2019.
Trump Jr.'s motivation? To expose the tricks used by the Left to smear conservatives and push them out of the public square. An unveiling of the political strategies by those that throw rocks and hide their hands.

The Core Argument
Political Correctness Under Scrutiny - Trump Jr. takes aim at political correctness, arguing that it stifles open dialogue and suppresses conservative voices. Wolf in baby sheep costume clothing tactics used by the opposition

No topic escapes scrutiny - From online "shadow banning" to accusations of hate speech. Misinformation and false news reports alike.

The Left's Victimhood ComplexVictimization and Bullying Strategies of the left
Trump Jr. contends that the Left frequently combines victimization with bullying to advance its views. Furthermore, he sheds light on how this dynamic plays out, urging conservatives not to acquiesce to supposed Leftist seemingly delicate intimidation and coercion.

Historical Evidence of Similar Censoring Initiatives by Organizations Intent to Tyrannically Control
Trump Jr. discusses the experiences of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr and the targeting campaigns directed towards his movement for Civil Rights equality in America. Dr. King Jr by the FBI's COINTELPRO harassment, and Trump by elements within the intelligence community.

Arlington National Cemetery Reflections
Trump Jr. recounts a visit to Arlington National Cemetery, where he stood among the silent sentinels.
Looking at the graves, he reflected on the sacrifices made by his family, including voluntarily relinquishing business deals to avoid any appearance of profiting from public office.
-New York Times Nonfiction Bestseller List

"Triggered" debuted at number one on the New York Times nonfiction bestseller list

"No topic is spared from political correctness in Donald Trump Jr.'s Triggered, which will expose all the tricks that the left uses to smear conservatives and push them out of the public square, from online 'shadow banning' to fake accusations of hate speech.
-From Epoch Times

Donning the quill of truth; Trump Jr pens a narrative that eclipses politics. His words, like the echoes of a distant battle cry, pierce through the fog of partisan noise. For within these pages, he unveils the tactics employed by the Left. Orchestrating symphony of shadow bans, accusations, and calculated silencing.
Picture this: The digital battlefield, where warriors wear masks of virtue and wield keyboards as swords. Here, political correctness morphs into a weapon, and dissent becomes a crime. Trump Jr. lays bare the art of character assassination - the Left's paint-by-number brushstrokes on the canvas of public discourse.

Not limited to an exposé - This is a call to arms! With the eloquence and passion of other freedom fighters; Trump Jr. implores us to reclaim our voices. He reminds us that patriotism is not a relic but a living flame - A torch passed from one generation to the next. From every turn of each page we glimpse the ghosts of Founding Fathers. Their ink-stained fingers drafting the Constitution, their hearts ablaze with liberty. We feel the weight of sacrifice and the blood-soaked soil of battlefields, the tears shed for freedom.
And Arlington National Cemetery oh, how it resonates! Trump Jr. stands among the silent sentinels, their tombstones etched with valor. He gazes upon Old Glory fluttering in the breeze, and in that moment, he sees not just a flag but a covenant More than just an empty promise to defend the unalienable rights fought for by our forefathers. He writes of financial sacrifice in exchange for greater advancement as a nation collectively. The Trump family relinquishing business deals to avoid even a hint of profiting from public service. It's a reminder that patriotism isn't about convenience; it's about honor.

So, fellow citizens, let us heed this call. Let us rise above hate, armed with reason and resolve. Let us speak, and not in whispers, but in thunderous prose. For "Triggered" is more than a book; it is a battle hymn - A testament to the enduring spirit of America.Let the acoustical tranquility of the echo refrain: We shall not be silenced!! U.S.A.

"One man with courage is a majority"
-Thomas Jefferson


ISBN-10: 154608603X

Author: Trump Jr., Donald</span></p>

Edition: Illustrated

Binding: Hardcover

Publisher: Center Street

Published: 2019-11-05

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