Bust-Down Book Reviews

How the Hippies Saved Physics by David Kaiser

How the Hippies Saved Physics by David Kaiser

I wanted to understand quantum mechanics. But the profs had their line that always closed off any inquiry ---"Shut up and calculate!" The math’s works, the theory works --- why...

How the Hippies Saved Physics by David Kaiser

I wanted to understand quantum mechanics. But the profs had their line that always closed off any inquiry ---"Shut up and calculate!" The math’s works, the theory works --- why...

Are you an Illusion by Mary Midgley

Are you an Illusion by Mary Midgley

Scientism also allows us to exploit the Earth’s resources and to exploit animals without any regard to how those animals feel. Its philosophy makes it a perfect companion for free-market...

Are you an Illusion by Mary Midgley

Scientism also allows us to exploit the Earth’s resources and to exploit animals without any regard to how those animals feel. Its philosophy makes it a perfect companion for free-market...

The Emperor's New Mind

The Emperor's New Mind

The AI community, and materialist scientists who start with the premise that --- it's all in the brain; we don't know how or where but one day we will know,...

The Emperor's New Mind

The AI community, and materialist scientists who start with the premise that --- it's all in the brain; we don't know how or where but one day we will know,...

A Voyage to Arcturus

A Voyage to Arcturus

Only a great book can accomplish that. Maskull is Everyman, and you soon identify with him. Bored with an ordinary life, he accepts an invitation to see the planet Tormance....

A Voyage to Arcturus

Only a great book can accomplish that. Maskull is Everyman, and you soon identify with him. Bored with an ordinary life, he accepts an invitation to see the planet Tormance....

Sobbing Superpower (Selected Poems)

Sobbing Superpower (Selected Poems)

Różewicz hid in the forest with his brother, Jan. They were among the Polish resistance fighters. Jan was executed in 1944 by the Nazis. Tadeusz and his brother, Stanisław survived....

Sobbing Superpower (Selected Poems)

Różewicz hid in the forest with his brother, Jan. They were among the Polish resistance fighters. Jan was executed in 1944 by the Nazis. Tadeusz and his brother, Stanisław survived....

Sunflowers at my Table

Sunflowers at my Table

Some weeks had passed of taunting and toying with the nonbelligerent and now defending nation of the Ukraine. Lining the Russian-Ukrainian border with heavy ground, motorized and mechanized infantry. Blatantly...

Sunflowers at my Table

Some weeks had passed of taunting and toying with the nonbelligerent and now defending nation of the Ukraine. Lining the Russian-Ukrainian border with heavy ground, motorized and mechanized infantry. Blatantly...