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The Greater Trumps by Charles Williams

Free Content Provided by the Bust-Down Family

AUTHOR: Charles Williams

Interested in the Tarot?

Here’s a story of how the original deck turns up, not just a deck of cards but the actual figures that are painted on it. Long ago the owner of the deck summoned a storm that wrecked the Spanish Armada.

The deck represents the dance of life that controls human destiny. A pair of overzealous lovers who desire to possess entire control of the Major Arcana --- death, the juggler, the sun, the moon. But something goes wrong?

The powers in the cards are let loose in the world and create havoc, wild storms that could destroy the world.

       Can the lovers find a way to stop the storm that they have created?
Charles Williams, a friend of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, creates an action story woven through with his deep knowledge of the Tarot. 



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