FINISH THEM” “AMERICA LOVES ISRAEL” Nikki Haley signs artillery shells on her Memorial Day visit to Israel; artillery shells that have killed more than 36,000 Palestinians, an estimated 15,000 of them children.

America? Is this who you sent to do your bidding?

Is this the best you’ve got? A Republican nominee who lost to Trump who can now only hope to manipulate her way into the White House where nothing more than an Orwellian cubicle with a personalized desk plate await? I mean, he’ll have to find someplace to put her.

The difference between an American Idiot and a rapacious Israeli Zionist is that one of them knows the history of Palestine, even if they choose to white-wash, adulterate, and outright lie about it – they know. Unfortunately, too many Americans think the history of Israel is confined to and emerged from the events of October 7, 2023.

I have long since given up on humanity, so I certainly don’t expect anything more from Haley and her backscratchers, certainly nothing resembling a principled deed or action, or anything more than what any other bottom feeder would do which is to imitate the popular belief that all Palestinians are expendable.

From the introduction of Selected Essays, 1934-1943 (Historical, Political, and Moral Writings) by Simone Weil it reads:

“Is it this: Do we in fact, worship anything except our own collective power? And if that is in reality the only ultimate authority which we acknowledge, are we not exactly what she (Simone Weil), following Plato, describes as idolaters of a Great Beast?”

According to Weil, ‘The Romans have never been rivalled in the shrewd enjoyment of cruelty. When anyone is cruel from caprice, or a disordered sensibility, or rage, or hatred, the consequences are often fatal to himself. But cold, calculated, systematic cruelty, never mitigated by change of humor, prudence, shame, or pity ---- cruelty that can neither be stayed by courage, dignity, or force, nor mollified by submission, supplication, and tears ---- cruelty of this kind is an incomparable weapon of domination.’

I’m looking for the tears for these 15,000 Palestinian children, murdered under the most unnatural, brutal circumstances, ripped from the arms of a loving mother, forced to dig them out from under the rubble or worse yet, run with them half alive, barely breathing to a hospital out of service. I’m screaming for these tears. Where are these tears! Without them, there is no humanness left alive in our humanity.

Haley, arrived the day after the Rafah massacre when 2,000 pound bombs fell on civilians sheltering in tents. 2,000 pound bombs that dismembered their children, scattering them like confetti across a dirt road.

FINISH THEM,” she writes on the artillery used to kill 36,000 Palestinians, an estimated 15,000 of them children. I know the Nazis and the Soviets displayed this kind of cruelty, as do the Israelis, but to see the vulgarity of it played out by a foreign visitor is a disturbing thing to watch. You’re on the wrong side of history lady, you and your pithy slogans. While you’re riding the crest of the wave, you may think you are superior, but you’re a nobody. You’re not a billionaire. You’re not a nominee. You’re not a VP pick. You’re a wannabe. A short-stopper, as they say in My TownH-TownHTXHouston, Texas - 25/8.

Weil died in 1943. She did not live to see the extent to which this cruelty played out with Hitler and Stalin and how it changed the map of Europe so dramatically. But she understood the history of the Romans. They were disciplined and organized and uprooted their vanquished by means of extermination. ‘In the same ruthless arrogance, the same skill in inflicting humiliation...’ as did Louis XIV, Stalin and Hitler after them. I can’t help but wonder if she would be surprised by this present day barbarism Israel dominates over Palestine and see its parallels. It is the same practice, the same type of cruelty, though significantly advanced by the aid of technology.

‘If a nation which is harmful to others is eternally the same, then there can be only one motive for either negotiation or war with it; namely, to destroy it or at least to place it under such restraint as will make it harmless for several centuries.’

I believe The State of Israel did desire such a situation in 1948. I know it desires such today. What surprises me though are the millions of others, who are not Jews, not Israelis, not Palestinians, but those who know nothing about the history of this land who dare to take the side of genocide, of massacre, informed only by current media puppets and pundits and the pernicious toxicity of right-wing populism. This is what truly alarms me; a decision based on ignorance.

Is there a beating heart among them? I have had people look at me without the least suggestion of feeling when it comes to the murder of so many. How is that possible to not even flinch, or even more outrageous to think it was something they did to deserve it. Please. Spare me the Hamas analogy, October 7 and the rest of that narrative and all the things you learned in TV kindergarten. One cannot possibly understand the rise of Hamas until one understands The Occupation. But here’s the deal. The terror and the slaughter and the screams and the blood are in the eyes of the ten year old's. They will one day grow up. They will remember. We cannot do this to a people and expect no consequences.

The Romans too felt that they were a superior race, a chosen people, not unlike the same arrogance upon which the State of Israel was formed. Good luck with your career as a graffiti artist, Nikki Haley. I can’t say the world of politics will much miss you.

Selected Essays, 1934-1943 (Historical, Political, and Moral Writings)
By Simone Weil

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