Gorilla Mindset by Mike Cernovich
Gorilla Mindset by Mike Cernovich
Gorilla Mindset
by Mike Cernovich
An international best-seller, Gorilla Mindset has helped hundreds-of-thousands of people all over the world live a better life.
Rather than tell you lies, Gorilla Mindset teaches you how to take control of your thoughts and emotions. You will live life on your terms.
By applying Gorilla Mindset to your life, you will improve your health and fitness, earn more money, and have stronger relationships.
Your thinking will become clear. Your posture will improve. You will have more focus.
Gorilla Mindset teaches you the power of routine, self-talk, frame, focus, state/mood, mindfulness, and body language and posture.
Each chapter contains techniques, mindset shifts, and habits that can be applied to your life. Immediately.
For example, improving your self-talk will improve your state or mood. How you frame challenges in your life is also a matter of the language - or self-talk - you use.
Getting in the moment improves your self-talk just as your self-talk helps you get into the moment. At the end of Gorilla Mindset, you'll tie every concept together to live a life others don't even dare dream of.
But you will dream of that life.
You will live that life.