Mauna Kea: A Guide to Hawaii's Sacred Mountain by Leslie Lang
Mauna Kea: A Guide to Hawaii's Sacred Mountain by Leslie Lang
Mauna Kea: A Guide to Hawaii's Sacred Mountain by Leslie Lang & David A. Byrne
Hawaii Culture & Travel Literature Books || Astronomy & Space Science Books || Hawaiian History & Science Books
Rising 14,000 feet into the clear skies of the Big Island of Hawai`i, Mauna Kea is a special place. A sacred mountain to be approached with reverence and respect. Beneath Mauna Kea's often snow-capped summit are historic Hawaiian sites, rare flora and fauna, spectacular vistas, and, for astronomers, the best base on Earth for exploring the universe.
Co-written by Mauna Kea Visitor Information Manager David A. Byrne, this comprehensive guidebook of the Onizuka Center for International Astronomy includes in-depth information and detailed maps on sacred sites, natural history, recreation, ecology, sightseeing and important technical data on the 13 world-class telescopes at the mountain's summit.