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Bust-Down Books

The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander With Foreword by Cornel West

The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander With Foreword by Cornel West

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The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
by Michelle Alexander & New Foreword by Cornel West 

A groundbreaking work that examines the systemic racism embedded within the American criminal justice system.  Published in 2010 the book argues that the war on drugs and the subsequent rise of mass incarceration have created a new form of racial caste system in the United States, effectively relegating millions of African Americans to a permanent second-class citizenship. Alexander meticulously details how the criminal justice system disproportionately targets Black communities, leading to their overrepresentation in prisons and their subsequent disenfranchisement through felony disenfranchisement laws.

“Racial caste systems do not require racial hostility or overt bigotry to thrive. They need only racial indifference, as Martin Luther King Jr. warned more than forty-five years ago.”
- Michelle Alexander

The book's cultural significance lies in its powerful critique of the colorblindness ideology which claims that race no longer matters in a post-civil rights era. Alexander argues that this ideology serves to mask the continued existence of racial inequality and allows for the perpetuation of discriminatory practices. The New Jim Crow has been widely praised for its insightful analysis and its contribution to the ongoing conversation about racial justice in the United States.
The New Jim Crow has had a profound impact on the understanding of Black History and Civil Rights for Black Americans. It has helped to shed light on the hidden history of mass incarceration and its devastating consequences for Black communities.

The book has also been instrumental in mobilizing activists and scholars to challenge the systemic racism embedded within the criminal justice system and to advocate for policy reforms that address the root causes of mass incarceration.

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